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            Perspective of the Relation Dharma   Dharmapati   Kṣatriya, In the Mirror of Dharma: Indian
              Bratoeva, Milena, 2016. The King Hariścandra in Varuņa’s pāśa: the Myth of Śunahśepa in the
            Culture through the Ages, Bulgaria, Sofia.
           Perspective of the Relation Dharma – Dharmapati – KȘatriya, In the Mirror of Dharma: Indian
                              , 2016.
           Culture through the Ages, Bulgaria, Sofia.                                   -

              Братоева, Милена, 2016. Ардханаришвара: За мистичния синтез между мъжкото и жен-
           ското в образа на Шива. Публична лекция в Национална галерия Квадрат 500. silence:
               Bratoeva, Milena, 2011. The (text)book  Knowledge born in the depths of absolute
              Bratoeva, Milena, 2011. The (text)book “Knowledge born in the depths of absolute silence:
            mythology, rituals, religious and philosophical ideas in the Vedas
           mythology, rituals, religious and philosophical ideas in the Vedas – some remarks on my attempt
            enter the Indian mind , Indian Culture and Society in Current Research in Central and Eastern
           “to enter the Indian mind”, Indian Culture and Society in Current Research in Central and Eastern
            Europe, Poland, Warsaw.
           Europe, Poland, Warsaw.  22.                                                   -
              Братоева, Милена, 2022. Ведическият публичен ритуал като система от магически иденти-

           фикации (бандху). Публична лекция от поредицата „Сакралното знание“ в Център Ананада.
              Братоева, Милена, 2012. Играта на зарове в „Махабхарата“. Публична лекция в програма-

           та на Дните на Индия във Фотосинтезис Арт Център (15.03 – 01.04.2012), София. https://www.
              Bratoeva, Milena, 2007. विभिन्न साहित्यक सिधान्तों के सन्दर्भ मे "कफ़न" का विश्लेषण शिखन-
               Bratoeva, Milena, 2007. विविन्न सावहत्यक वसधान्तों के  सन्दिभ मे  " कफ़न "का विश्लेषण विखन-
           उपाय के रूप में| मुंशी प्रेमचंद की आधुनिक शिक्षा-ढँक के विषय पर कुछ विचार,
            उपाय के  रूप में| म ोंिी प्रेमचोंद की आध वनक विक्षा-ढँक के  विषय पर क  छ विचार, Second
           Second International Hindi Conference-cum-Workshop, Eotovos Lorand University, Budapest.
            International Hindi Conference-cum-Workshop, Eotovos Lorand University, Budapest.
              Братоева, Милена, 2016. Сакралността на човешкия глас. Участие в предаването на про-


           грама „Христо Ботев“ на БНР „Радиоенциклопедия“, БНР, програма „Христо Ботев“.
              Братоева, Милена, 2016. Писмености и азбуки: Древни писмености и азбуки. Участие

           в предаването на програма „Христо Ботев“ на БНР „Радиоенциклопедия“, БНР, програма
           „Христо Ботев“.

           Excerpts from “Language, Literature and
           Culture of the East”
              Selected parts from the dedicated to the 60th anniversary of Prof. Dr Milena Bratoeva “Lan-
           guage, Literature and Culture of the East. Illuminates the Mind, Expands the Soul” volume of
           research papers: “To Prof. Dr Milena Bratoeva” by Borislav Kostov, Ambassador of Bulgaria to
           India from 2008 to 2014, “About Milena Bratoeva, with Much Love and Ggratitude” by Prof.
           Dr Gergana Ruseva, Head of Department of Classical East of Sofia University “St Kliment Ohridski”,
           and “Bibliography of Prof. Dr Milena Bratoeva”. Milena Bratoeva is Professor in Indian Literature
           at Sofia University, has an MA in Indology, and a PhD in Indian Literature. She is from class one of
           Sofia University’s Indian Studies, and is the first Professor among its graduates. Contributors to the
           collection of articles are colleagues of Prof. Bratoeva from various academic fields. Editorial team:
           Prof. Dr Gergana Ruseva – editor-in-chief, Dr Boryana Kamova, Prof. Dr Pavel Pavlovich, Assoc.
           Prof. Dr Teodor Lekov. Cover design: Lora Hadjiyska, student in Indian Studies at Sofia University.
           Published by East-West Publishing House, Sofia, 2023.
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