Page 119 - Svetilnik_21_2020_book
P. 119
Председателят на Българско сдружение „Аюрведа“ д-р Антоанета Заркова
приветства гостите за празника
Ayurveda Celebrated
Its 10th Anniversary
On the 29 of September 2019 in
Hall number 10 of the National Palace
of Culture in Sofia, Bulgarian Asso-
ciation Ayurveda commemorated its
tenth anniversary with a celebration.
HE Pooja Kapur, Ambassador of the
Republic of India in Bulgaria, and
many honourable guests graced the
event, including Prof. Tirunarayanan
from Chennai, India, who was a spe-
cial guest.
Bulgarian Association Ayurveda
was established in May 2009 as an
NGO. Its aim is to promote and
popularize the ancient Indian healing
system in its most authentic form, and
to contribute in attaining harmony
and peace in the modern way of life,
by offering more and more people the
opportunity to hear and experience the
ayurvedic knowledge. The Association
organizes a variety of seminars, lec-
tures and trainings on a regular basis.
It is a permanent member and partner
in organizing the ayurvedic forums
on the International Day of Yoga in
Виктория Маринчева Проф. д-р Тирунараянан