Past events...
Video presentation "On G.S.Rakovski and India"

На 14 април 2021 г. се навършиха 200 години от рождението на Георги Сава Раковски. По повод годишнината припомняме публикуваната в брой 1 на Светилник статия „Възрожденска България и Индия“ на проф. Веселин Трайков с избрани от нея извадки. Големият български историк и ...
On the occasion of the 160th Birth Anniversary of Rabindranath Tagore

On the occasion of the 160th Birth Anniversary of Rabindranath Tagore we gathered in a video presentation glimpses form his artistic legacy – poetry, drawings and songs, along with lines about him by Prof. Alexander Shurbanov, Prof. Andrei Daniel, Vladimir Ganev and Asoc. Prof. ...
“Ayurveda on Osteoarthritis”

Present Talk No 6 in the series “Introduction to Ayurveda” of the Friends of India Club in a video presentation by Dr Antoaneta Zarkova on the subject “Ayurveda on Osteoarthritis” at FIC’s YouTube channel. Link to the video presentation:
Virtual Exhibition "Dedication" by Emil Popov (02.10.20)

The Friends of India Club in partnership with the Indian Embassy in Sofia presents a web-version of the exhibition “Dedication” on prominent Bulgarian sculptor Prof. Emil Popov’s participation in the dedicated to Mahatma Gandhi National Salt Satyagraha Memorial in Dandi, India. Organised on the occasion of the 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi the exhibition with original sculpture by Prof. Emil Popov and fragments, photo and video ...
Virtual Exhibition "With Affection to the East" (08.06.2020)

The Friends of India Club and “Prof. Alexander Fedotoff” Foundation in partnership with the Embassy of India in Bulgaria present a web-version of the exhibition of photographs taken by Prof. Alexander Fedotoff during his last visits to India, China, South Korea, Fiji, Vanuatu and New Caledonia – “With Affection to the East”, exhibited at Sofia Press Gallery in Sofia in March 2019, at Radio Varna Art Centre in Varna in May ...