Past events...

Friends of India Club, Indology Department of Sofia University and the Embassy of the Republic of India cordially invite you to lecture 38 of FIC’s Lectoria on BORIS GEORGIEV AND MAHATMA GANDHI by Dr Plamena Racheva
International Day of Non-Violence

The Embassy of the Republic of India, Friends of India Club and Association India have the pleasure of inviting you to an event on the occasion of the International Day of Non-Violence (birthday of Mahatma Gandhi) October 2nd, 2018, ...
Satya vaarta - talk on the impact of Mahatma Gandhi

Friends of India Club, Indology Department of Sofia University and the Embassy of the Republic of India cordially invite you to SATYA VAARTA talk on the impact of Mahatma Gandhi
Launch of Mahatma Gandhi's Statue

The Friends of India Club and the Centre for Eastern Languages and Cultures of Sofia University have the pleasure to invite you to the LAUNCH OF THE STATUE OF MAHATMA GANDHI IN SOFIA an opening event to the celebrations on the occasion of Mahatma Gandhi’s 150th ...
Guest-lectors from Mauritius

Friends of India Club, Indology Department of Sofia University and the Embassy of the Republic of India kindly invite you to two presentations by visiting Professors from Mauritius The Greatness of Ghalib’s poetry by Dr Ahmad Ramtally and Mauritius and Its tryst ...