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           Julii Minchev (1923–2006), in April 2023 an   seal it, transferring it to the paper. Some of these
           exhibition of early works of his opened at the   drawings are, without exaggeration, virtuosic –
           “Grafikart” Gallery in Sofia. His daughter –   documentally true, but also with an artistic flair.
           Desislava Mincheva, also a prominent artist   His engravings – from the earliest to the last
           and Professor at the National Academy of Art,   – bring expressiveness, drama, monumentality
           shared about the exhibited works: “Incredibly   and dynamism”.
           accurate and artistic drawings, as it seems to   Julii Minchev is among the founders of the
           me, no one does and will not do anymore.   Friends of India Club and has made a significant
           Because the people and the world are already   contribution to its activities, especially to the
           different... He sat in front of ordinary houses   publication of the Club’s annual “Svetilnik” – he
           and in the fields, in Mongolia, along the Volga,   gave it the name and shaped its graphic design
           in Balchik and on the ports and tried to catch   from 1997 (when the first issue appeared) until
           everything – with love and in measure. And to   his last day.
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