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                                       elections 2014 are reviewed.   Oнлайн
                                       The regular rubrics highlight
                                       other important developments   разходка
                                       and events.
                                           “60 Years Bulgaria - India   из улиците
                                       Diplomatic Relations” – a
                                       letters and photographs from  на Индия
                                       collection of documents,

                                       the archives of the Bulgarian
                                       Embassy in New Delhi, is
                                       an edition produced by the     Индийското министер-
                                       Embassy in dedication to the   ство на туризма съвместно с
                                       anniversary.                Дженезис интернешънъл съз-
                                          “From India, to India:   дадоха платформата Walking
                                       Perceptions and Perspectives”   Tours („Обиколи пеша“),
                                       comprises the papers from the   която позволява на потре-
                                       conference on the occasion   бителите сами да навигират
                                       of the 30th anniversary of   своята посока и маршрут
           In the World of             Sofia University’s Indology   през индийските градове и
                                       Department held on September
                                                                   да посетят виртуално мно-
           Books on India              9-10, 2013, in Sofia. The volume  жество забележителности
           2015                        was published by “St. Kliment   както и редица любопитни и
                                       Ohridski” University Publishing  интригуващи места. Сайтът
                      Boryana Kamova   House, 2015.       предлага диги-
              No 16 of “Svetilnik”        “The Day of the Scorpion”   тални разходки из улиците на
           magazine of 2014 focuses on   by the British novelist Paul   54 града из цялата страна.
           the 60th anniversary of the   Scott, a continuation of his
           establishment of diplomatic   novel “The Jewel in the Crown”,
           relations between Bulgaria   was published in Bulgarian in
           and India. The Telangana and   2015 by “Apostrof” Publishing
           new Andhra Pradesh states   House.
           and the UT Andaman and         “An Atlas of Impossible
           Nicobar Islands are presented.   Longing” by Indian writer
           Introduced are the newly    Anuradha Roy, declared
           appointed Ambassadors of    one of the 60 best novels in
           Bulgaria to India and of India   Contemporary India, appeared   Take a Walking
           to Bulgaria, and the prominent   in Bulgarian in 2015 published
           Bulgarian artist Boris Georgiev.   by “Uniskorp” Publishing   Tour across India
           The Indian parliamentary    House.

                                                                      The Indian Ministry of
                                                                   Tourism together with Genesys
                                                                   International has created a
                                                                   Walking Tours platform which
                                                                   enables users to navigate their
                                                                   way through India’s cities based
                                                                   on a number of interesting
                                                                   themes. The website
                                                          offers virtual
                                                                   walks through the streets of 54
                                                                   cities throughout India.
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