Hymn to Agni

The Samaveda or Veda of the Chants is composed and finalized during the so called „epoch of the Kurus“ (1200- 700 BC) as a result of the increasing significance of the public ritual (shrauta yajna) in the social and religious life of ancient vedic society. The Samaveda consists of the verses of the Rigveda, but set to melodies (samans), which have important ritual function. As the first Veda the Samaveda begins with praise (stuti) to the god of fire, Agni, whose stanzas have been ...
Indian film maker animator Pramod Pati and his experimental world

Friends of India Club, Indology Department of Sofia University and the Embassy of the Republic of India kindly invite you to the presentation INDIAN FILM MAKER ANIMATOR PRAMOD PATI AND
Dhrupad – Voices from the Archives and Contemporary Practices

Friends of India Club, Indology Department of Sofia University and the Embassy of the Republic of India cordially invite you to the presentation Dhrupad – Voices from the Archives and Contemporary Practices by Assoc. Prof. Dr Ivanka Vlaeva November 26th, 2018, Monday, 6:00 p.m. at ...