Classical Indian Rhetoric

Friends of India Club, Indology Department of Sofia University and the Embassy of the Republic of India cordially invite you to lecture 37 of FIC’s Lectoria Classical Indian Rhetoric by Dr Mirella Lingorska-Grafe, Zurich University
India: incomprehensible without Its Past

Friends of India Club, Indology Department of Sofia University and the Embassy of the Republic of India cordially invite you to lecture 36 of FIC’s Lectoria India: Incomprehensible without Its Past by Prof. Dr Gabriela Nik. Ilieva, New York University, recipient of Hindi Sevi Samman Award (the lecture will be ...
In The Circle of Light - New Issue of "Svetilnik" magazine

Friends of India Club, Indology Department of Sofia University and the Embassy of the Republic of India kindly invite you to an event on the occasion of 20 years from the start of FIC’s annual Svetilnik with a presentation In the Circle of Light by Prof. Dr ...
The Multiplex Кathakali

Friends of India Club, Indology Department of Sofia University and the Embassy of the Republic of India kindly invite you to the presentation THE MULTIPLEX KATHAKALI by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Andronika Martonova