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благодарност на Клуб „Приятели на Индия“ и his achievements, himself conducted hundreds
лично на Владимир Ганев, Евгения Камова и of lectures and training-classes in yoga and was
Даниела Кънева и на индийските посланици в the first in Bulgaria to organize yoga-seminars on
София Б. П. Агарвал, Нирупам Сен, Нилима a national level held annually. He is author of a
Митра, Динкар Кхулар и Лал Динглиана за number of articles and two books on yoga.
оказваните съпричастност и съдействие както Born in Varna, Bulgaria, on October 10,
и на верните и упорити последователи на йога 1932, Ventseslav Evtimov, a follower of Dhiren-
в България и Българската федерация по йога dra Brahmachari, began practicing yoga in
за взаимната подкрепа. 1965. In 1966 he started in Sofia the first regular
course in yoga for students at “S. M. Kirov”
Съставил: Боряна Камова technical high school, and in 1967 - the first
regular course in yoga for the general public.
He established the Bulgarian Yoga Centre in
Honour for Ventseslav 1989, and from 1989 to 2011 organized twenty
national seminars on yoga. In 1992 he launched
Evtimov the Bulgarian “Yoga” magazine and published it
until 1995. He has been invited to conduct yoga
practices in Russia, France, Germany, Switzer-
Ventseslav Evtimov, the doyen of yoga land and Tunisia. Ventseslav Evtimov is also
in Bulgaria, was honoured with a Letter of among the founder-members of the Friends of
Appreciation by the Minister of state of AYUSH India Club.
on the occasion of the International Day of Yoga In his message to the opening of the Inter-
2015. Appreciation was extended for his valuable national Day of Yoga 2015 in Sofia Ventseslav
contribution made for over four decades in Evtimov pointed to the unique and universal
promoting yoga in Bulgaria and in commend character of yoga, to the main achievements of
of his dedication and consistent hard work in the Bulgarian yoga movement, and paid his deep
spreading the knowledge of yoga in Bulgaria. gratitude to Excellencies B. P. Agarwal, Niru-
The name of Ventseslav Evtimov is emblema- pam Sen, Nilima Mitra, Dinkar Khullar and Lal
tic of yoga for the Bulgarians. He was instrumen- Dingliana, ex-Ambassadors of India to Sofia,
tal in introducing yoga in a number of schools and the Friends of India Club and personally to
and universities in Bulgaria, including the Bul- Vladimir Ganev, Evgenia Kamova and Daniela
garian National Sports Academy “Vassil Levski” Kaneva for their support and cooperation.
where it is a regular course. He trained a host of
Bulgarian yoga-instructors who now build up on Compiled by Boryana Kamova
Внукът на Венцеслав Евтимов
Омар Кефи получава грамотата
на откриването на Междуна-
родния ден на йога в София,
21 юни 2015 г.