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           Indology Students’ Festive

              The students in Indology at Sofia University
           “St. Kliment Ohridski” celebrated the World
           Hindi Day in 2023 on March 31st. This year’s
           celebration attracted numerous audience,
           including professors and students from various
           other programs within SU’s Centre for East-
           ern Languages and Cultures. The Indologists
           presented an exceptionally rich and entertaining
           program at the Centre’s “Emil Boev” Hall in the
           enchanting atmosphere of the melodious Hindi
              Students from various courses had the
           opportunity to express their personal insights   song in Hindi “Bhasha dvara” (“Through
           towards both Hindi and the language in    Language”), accompanied by a ukulele. Lora
           general as a fundamental aspect of human   Hadjiyska transformed Devanagari letters into a
           expression. Lyubov Tabakova sang her original   captivating form of visual art. Georgi Stamenov
                                                     and Stefani Dimitrova delivered presentations in
                                                     Hindi, highlighting some of the other languages
                                                     spoken in India. Greta Gospodinova and
                                                     Mihaela Alexieva made a demonstration of a
                                                     sacred Indian dance.
                                                        Most applauded was the popular Bulgarian
                                                     song “Hubava si moya goro” collectively sang
                                                     in Hindi by professors and students in Liliya
                                                     Deneva’s translation. Nikolay Yankov and
                                                     students captivated the audience with the rap
                                                     song “Asli Hip-Hop” (“The Real Hip-Hop”).
                                                     All participants received incentive prizes from
                                                     the Devam Foundation and the East-West
                                                     Indological Foundation. His Excellency Sanjay
                                                     Rana, Ambassador of India to Sofia, personally
                                                     handed the awarded certificates of participation.
                                                        Holi and Diwali were also celebrated in tune
                                                     with their respective traditions.
           Дивали, 13 ноември 2023 г.
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