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           Росен Желязков и Джагдийп Дханкхар        На срещата с Джагдийп Дханкхар
           за съвременно разгръщане на двустранното   Bulgarian journalist with the most experience
           сътрудничество. 1                         in covering India and Bulgaria-India relations,
                               Съставил: Боряна Камова  points out that the Delhi visit gives Bulgaria a
                                                     great chance and opportunities for new develop-
           Bulgarian Parliamentary                   ment of the bilateral cooperation.

           Delegation on a Visit to


              A Bulgarian parliamentary delegation led by
           the President of the National Assembly of Bul-
           garia, Rosen Zhelyazkov, visited India on January
           4 and 5, 2024. During the visit to New Delhi
           Rosen Zhelyazkov held talks with the Speaker
           of the Lok Sabha of the Indian Parliament, Om
           Birla, and the Chairman of Rajya Sabha, Jagdeep
           Dhankhar. They had warm interaction, under-
           lined the strong friendly relations and shared
           values between Bulgaria and India, stressed on
           the immense scope for bilateral partnership,
           and discussed the prospects for deepening the
           political and economic bilateral relations along
           with strengthening parliamentary cooperation.
           In interviews for Bulgarian media on the eve of
           the visit and days after it, Daniela Kaneva – the   Даниела Кънева пред БГНЕС и БНТ
           1  Линк към интервюто с Даниела Кънева по БГНЕС в „Без филтър“ от 4.1.24 г.
           Линк към участието на Даниела Кънева в предаването „Светът и ние“ по Канал 1 на БНТ от 10.1.24 г.
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