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           Gandhi Kindergarten in Pravets and a drama
           based on the tales of the “Panchtantra”
           performed by Indology students of Sofia
              On May 26th former PM Oresharski sent a
           message of congratulations to the newly elected
           PM of India Mr. Narendra Modi.
              A special postal card marking the 60th
           anniversary of diplomatic relations between
           Bulgaria and India was jointly launched by
           the then Dy. Minister for Transport, IT and
           Communications Georgi Todorov and Sanjeev
           Bhati, Second Secretary in the Embassy, on June   Посланик Дойков връчва на г-н Патил екзеква-
           26th.                                       турата за назначаването му за почетен консул
              A 10-member ICCR-sponsored Manipuri                                на Р България
           folk dance and music troupe and a 20-member
           private Gujarati folk dance troupe took part   Българско почетно
           in the Veliko Turnovo International Folklore   консулство в Мумбай
           Festival on 19-26 July. The Manipuri dance
           troupe also gave two performances in Ruse and
           participated in the Chelopech International   През октомври 2014 г. България откри
           Folklore Festival from 29 July to 2 August.  почетно консулство в град Мумбай, Индия, с
              On August 15th Ambassador Manchanda    консулски окръг, обхващащ територията на
           hosted a reception on the occasion of the 68th   щата Махаращра. За почетен консул на стра-
           Independence Day of India and to bid farewell.  ната ни бе назначен индийският гражданин
              Ambassador Manchanda paid farewell calls   Винай Рохидас Патил, който ръководи
           on Foreign Minister Mitov (on August 26th)    15 000 служители и работници като собственик
           and President Plevneliev (on August 27th) . Dy.   и управляващ директор на компании в обла-
           Foreign Minister Valentin Poriazov hosted  a   стите текстил и добив и износ на желязна руда
           farewell lunch for Ambassador Manchanda on   и боксит, и проявява подчертан интерес да съ-
           August 26th and the Friends of India Club - a   действа за развитие на търговските и деловите
           farewell dinner on August 20th. Ambassador   контакти между България и Индия, както и на
           Manchanda left Bulgaria on September 1st.  връзките в областта на туризма и културата.
              The new Ambassador Mr. Rajesh K.          Мумбай е основен финансово-икономиче-
           Sachdeva arrived in Sofia on September 8th   ски, транспортен и комуникационен център
           and presented his Letters of Credence to the   на Индия и се посещава и от много български
           Bulgarian President on October 9th.       граждани
              On October 20th Ambassador Sachdeva gave   Връчването на екзекватурата за почетен
           a talk on “Contemporary Indian Society”, which   консул на Р България се състоя в посолството
           was jointly organised at the Sofia University   в Делхи на  28 октомври 2014 г. Винай Патил е
           by the Friends of India Club and the Indology   третият почетен консул на България в Индия,
           Department.                               след назначаването на такива в Колката и
              On November 18th, a festive public meeting   Хайдарабад.
           with performance of Bharatanatyam dance by
           Meena Patalenska and Nataraja Dnace School   Bulgarian Honorary
           group was held at the Aula of the SU on the   Consulate in Mumbai
           occasion of the 60th anniversary of establishing
           diplomatic relations between Bulgaria and
           India. The meeting was jointly organzied by   In October 2014 Bulgaria opened Honorary
           the Friends of India Club and the Indology   Consulate in Mumbai, Maharashtra, with Mr.
           Department of SU.                         Vinay Rohidas Patil as Honorary Consul.
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