Kuzhali Manickavel

Kuzhali Manickavel was born in Winnipeg, Manitoba and lived in various places in Canada. When she was 13 she moved to Chidambaram, a small temple town on the coast of Tamil Nadu, India. She writes in English and her works are published in ...
Indira Chandrasekhar

Indira Chandrasekhar returnеd to India after more than 17 years abroad. She has a Ph.D. in Biophysics and prior to committing to fiction writing she studied the dynamics of biological membranes at research institutes in India, the United States and Switzerland. She is the founding editor of the online magazine for short fiction Out of print (

Krishangini (b. 1948) has won state- and national-level prizes in India for her three collections of poetry and one collection of short stories in Tamil. She has also edited an anthology of women poets in translation, translated Brecht’s Mother Courage into Tamil, and written reviews of literature, dance, and painting.
Sharmistha Mohanty

Sharmistha Mohanty is the author of two novels, Book One and New Life and has translated Tagore’s fiction. She is the founder editor of the online literature journal Almost Island, and the initiator of the Almost Island Dialogues, an annual international writers meet held in New Delhi. Mohanty studied fiction at the Iowa Writers Workshop. She has held fellowships in Germany and in the United States. Her other serious interest is cinema, and she has worked with film directors Mani Kaul ...
Shamoel Ahmed

Shamoel Ahmed is a contemporary Indian writer. He was born in 1950 in Patna. Writes novels and short stories in Hindi and Urdu. Publishes in literary magazines in India and Pakistan. The short story published here is written in 2004. The title of its Hindi version is Singardan.