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           India, Norway, Poland, Russia, Hungary, and Croa-
           tia. Conference keynote was Prof. Knut Jacobsen
           from University of Bergen, Norway.
              The inauguration was addressed by Vice-rector
           of Sofia University, Dean, and Vice-dean of Sofia
           University’s Faculty of Classical and Modern Philo-
           logy, the Ambassador of India to Sofia HE Sanjay
           Rana, and Prof. Dr Shashibala, Dean of the Centre
           of Indology, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, India.
              The conference highlighted the most recent
           achievements of Bulgarian Indologists, not only in
           the field of scholarly research and the study of In-
           dian culture but also in terms of the contribution of   Публичната лекция на проф. Якобсон, водена от проф.
           the Indian Studies academic establishment at Sofia   Братоева
           University to the dissemination of knowledge about  programme on Buddhism at Sofia University; “Lan-
           India in Bulgaria, as well as in upbringing of nume-  guage legacy unveiled: Sanskrit news broadcasting’s
           rous Bulgarian professionals who specialise in   49-years evolution on All India Radio” by Prof. Dr
           India, and are successful both nationally and inter-  Chandra Bhushan Jha, special guest at the confe-
           nationally. It served as a platform for the exchange   rence; and “Hindu sacralization of space: pilgri-
           of ideas, scientific theses, and hypotheses among   mage sites and procession rituals in the Hindu
           Bulgarian, Indian, and European scholars engaged   diasporas” by Prof. Dr Knut Jacobsen, organised in
           in research on Indian languages, literature, history,   cooperation with Sofia University’s Center for the
           philosophy, arts, religions, intellectual traditions,   Study of Religions.
           and other aspects, with an in-depth discussion of   During the days of the conference, Indian
           various facets of Indian, and, in a broader perspec-  Studies Section celebrated its anniversary with a
           tive, Eastern/Asian studies, traditions, and trends,   cocktail, Ambassador Rana hosted dinner for the
           within the context of globalisation.      participants, a visit to the National History Mu-
              As part of the forum, three public lectures   seum and the Boyana Church was organised for the
           by guest participants in the conference took   foreign guest participants. The forum was attended
           place: “Imagery of a non-substantialist stance.   by professors and students from and outside Sofia
           From the Dhammapada through Nāgārjuna’s   University, as well as by guests, the students in
           Mūlamadhyamakakārikā to Shakespeare’s The   Indology were also providing throughout valuable
           Tempest” by Dr László Fórizs, hosted by the MA   assistance.
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