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Людмила Класанова
не на духовния път. Когато двете огледала (на Lyudmila Klasanova was opened on March 10,
установената традиция и на личния поглед) 2015 at Sofia University’s “Alma Mater” gallery.
се поставят едно срещу друго – безкрайността It was organized by the Friends of India Club,
става видима, безкрайни творчески възмож- the Indology Department, the Cultural Centre
ности се откриват на хоризонта. and the Centre for Eastern Languages and
Индийските рисунки в изложбата са илюс- Cultures of Sofia University, and the Embassy of
трации към книгата „Двайсет и пет истории India to Sofia.
на Ветала“ – превод от санскрит на българ- Lyudmila Klasanova holds a BA degree in
ски език на разкази от индийския сборник “Book and Printed Graphics” from the National
„Веталапанчавимшатика“, издание на Индо- Academy of Arts, an MA in East Asian Cultures
логическа фондация „Изток-Запад“. Тибет- and a PhD in Indian and Tibetan Literature and
ските рисунки в изложбата представят някои Culture from Sofia University. She works as a
от основните божества в будисткия пантеон. curator at the National Gallery and as a part-
Те са изобразени в традиционните похвати time lecturer at the Centre for Eastern Languages
на тибетската иконография, без да следват and Cultures, Sofia University.
конкретен художествен стил. The Indian paintings in the exhibition are
illustrations from the book “Twenty-five Stories
of Vetala”, a translation from Sanskrit into
Lyudmila Klasanova’s Bulgarian of the stories of the Indian collection
“Mirror of the Heart” “Vetalapanchavimshatika” published by the
East-West Indological Foundation. The Tibetan
Еxhibition paintings in the exhibition present some of the
main deities in the Buddhist pantheon. They
are depicted using the traditional techniques
The “Mirror of the Heart” exhibition with of Tibetan iconography without following a
Indian and Tibetan drawings produced by particular artistic style.