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                                   EMBASSY IN DELHI – 2014-2015                                  19

           by a new government coming to power, the purely   membership in NATO and the active PR policy,
           political interaction was objectively limited.  including through the Embassy’s page on the
              In this situation the completely renewed   Facebook social network. In 2014 the Embassy
           team of the Bulgarian embassy in Delhi was   hosted for the first time a meeting of the 28 EU
           working on the celebration of the anniversary   member states ambassadors accredited to Delhi
           centering its activities on the cultural diplomacy,  and the Bulgarian ambassador in Delhi had
           the interaction in the area of education and the   meetings and talks with many high-ranking In-
           people to people contacts.                dian officials from the Centre and various states
              The special post card validated on the   throughout the country.
           occasion of the 60th anniversary, as well as the   2015 began with several visits to India by
           edition of the “Svetilnik” magazine dedicated to   Bulgarian delegations. By 26 October 8 Bulgarian
           it were distributed to official Indian institutions   officials altogether visited the country and
           and Indian friends of Bulgaria.           conducted talks with their counterparts. The
              The members of the team are proud with the   ambassa dor also continued his series of inter-
           standing exhibition at the Embassy’s premises   actions with representatives of the host country.
           consisting of 16 posters compiled with the   Books were donated to the library of the Sla-
           assistance of colleagues from the respective   vonic languages department on 16 February and
           directorates of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in   a seminar on Bulgarian history and culture for
           Sofia. The exposition was inaugurated during an   students from Delhi University was organised in
           official function on 14 December.         September. Other universities in the focus of the
              Furthermore, a book on the occasion was   Embassy were the Maharaja Agrasen Univer-
           published in a limited edition and copies of   sity in Badi, the Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute
           it were presented to the participants in this   in Delhi and the Kurukshetra University. An
           function at the Embassy dedicated to the   achievement of the Embassy was the first edi-
           anniversary. Two Indian nationals were awarded   tion of an internship programme for students
           the highest distinction of the Minister of   Indologists from Sofia University in September.
           Foreign Affairs of Bulgaria for their contribution   On 4 September 2015 in Delhi the 3-year
           to the development of the bilateral relations.   programme for cooperation in the fields of
              A contribution to the celebrations was made   culture, science and education between the
           by 10 young Bulgarians from the “Folklorika”   governments of the two countries was signed
           dance group who performed in November in   by the Bulgarian ambassador and the Secretary
           four Indian cities.                       at the Indian Ministry of Culture. The Day of
               The bilateral contacts in the areas of culture   the Bulgarian culture and education and the
           and education in 2014 and 2015 were focused   Slavonic script was marked at the Bulgarian
           on young people. The Embassy organised a   residence by a meeting with Indian intellectuals.
           number of activities to assist the students Bul-  The Embassy took up close cooperation with the
           garists from Delhi University, priority amongst   International Chamber for Media and Enter-
           which was the training program for them at the   tainment Industry in Noida. The ambassador
           Embassy’s premises. Similar programme was in-  participated in October in a seminar on “The  Тадж махал
           troduced in 2015 for students Indologists from   Future of the European Integration” in the O.P.
           Sofia University.                         Gindal Global University and the Indian Model
              Among the other activities of the Embassy   United Nations 2015 Conference organized by
           in 2014 it is worth mentioning the visit to “G.   the Ryan International School, Delhi.
           S. Rakovski” Secondary School in Delhi, the   The Embassy also worked actively for the
           meeting with the author of the first ever San-  encouragement of trade and economic relations
           skrit – Bulgarian dictionary Prof. Kaushik, the   between Bulgaria and India with the ambassa-
           participation of three Bulgarian universities in   dor taking part in a number of important fora.
           the European Higher Educational Fair, the visit   The preparation and conduct of several visits
           of Indian Rotarians to Plovdiv, the exhibition   on a high and highest level is on the agenda and
           in Delhi on the 10th anniversary of Bulgaria’s   work on some of them is already underway.
             Включената в материала нформация е към 26 октомври 2015 г. Текуща информация за дейността на българското посолство в Делхи се
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